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Is SignDash available to users outside of the United States?

Currently, we only support clients within the United States who have advertisers within the United States and Canada. This restriction is in place because of address formatting, language translations, and our ability to provide support during normal business hours. We hope offer SignDash to businesses outside of the U.S. in the future.

How does SignDash secure client data and handle privacy?

You can view our privacy policy at We do not disclose private client information to third-parties, and we take great efforts to ensure our systems are secure.

Can SignDash integrate with my website?

SignDash can currently integrate with WordPress based websites. We have built a SignDash Integration plugin that will display inventory maps and inventory list within your website pages and posts using WordPress shortcodes.

Does Sign Dash build websites?

We build WordPress-based websites for our SignDash clients with the ability to pull inventory from your SignDash account and display it on your website.

What type of billing plans does Sign Dash offer?

We offer annual and monthly SignDash subscriptions. Annual subscriptions are the best value and offer a 15% or more discount over monthly plans.

What devices can I access SignDash from?

SignDash is optimized for desktop / laptop computers running the Firefox browser. However, your SignDash account can be accessed from any modern smartphone, tablet or computer using a modern web browser.

Can Sign Dash create a custom report for me?

We may create custom reports on a case-by-case basis. Keep in mind, anytime we develop a client requested report or feature, that report or feature may be released to all SignDash clients at the discretion of Sign Dash. Sign Dash, LLC retains all copyrights and full licensing for reports and features that we develop.